Inspired by Nature

I started working with copper in 2010 and making jewelry in 2012. I began by using stripped copper wire from old cables. I decided to take the ugliness of addiction and turn it into something beautiful.

The weaving and beading was very therapeutic. It allowed me to focus my mind and tell a story.

I have been free for over 8 years now.

My jewelry making and wire weaving has ebbed and flowed through the years. Recently my creativity has been bursting at the seams. I am truly loving what I do!

The materials I use flow together to create a metaphysical story. When we meditate upon what the respective materials represent, I believe it can focus and amplify our intentions.

I source what I can from small or local vendors. Tulsi, Lotus Seed, Sandalwood, and Rudraksha, I source from IndiOdyssey. Their beads and materials are made by women and widows in Vrindavan and the proceeds help them earn an income.

More information can be found on the flyer below.